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Career Counseling Desk inauguration by Dr. Mrs.Amita Kamat - Assistant Director of School program JSPM and TSSM group of institution.
Events conducted in school in CCD:
Event-2 : Visit to JSPOLY , institute of polytechnic, Hadapsar Campus.
The visit aimed to provide students with an understanding of polytechnic education and career opportunities in polytechnic.
Event-3 : Interaction with Grade X students by Mr.Prathmesh Nazirkar and Mr Shubham Nale –School Alumni.
Event-4 : Visit to JSCOPR, Institute of Bachelor of Pharmacy by Grade XI and XII understand the field of pharmacy, educational environment and career opportunities in Bachelor of Pharmacy.
Event-5 : Session with Dr. V.R.Kurkarni sir, Principal of JSCOCS.
The session aimed to provide students with guidance on making successful life and career choices.
Event-6 : Session with Mr.M. Karade sir Director of JSIMR Management Institute.
The session was an enriching experience for the students, providing them with valuable insights into making successful life and career choices.
Event-7: Visit to JSCOE College of Engineering, JSPM Hadapsar Campus .
To provide hands-on experience, expose students to engineering practices and showcase career opportunities after Grade XII.
Event-8: Session on Personality development and career opportunities by Mr. Amol Laddha, R& D, inventory and strategic development, Serum Institute of India pvt.Ltd
Event-9 : Session for commerce students by CA Sheetal Vaidya.
The session covered various aspects providing students with valuable guidance on navigating their career path.
Event-10 : Session by Wing commander Megha Punia( Retd.) Indian Air Force
The session aimed to motivate and guide students interested in pursuing a career in the armed force.