Sr.No. |
Title |
Purpose |
1 |
Department of Mechanical Engineering |
For Mathematics Laboratory. |
2 |
Educomp Pvt Ltd |
For the smartclass digital learning. |
3 |
Olympiad foundation |
For conducting Olympiad exams in our school.(Subjects- Science, Maths, ICT, English) |
4 |
Mumbai Science Teachers Association |
For conducting Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaidnyanik competition to inculcate scientific attitude and search science talent and motivate them towards basic sciences and clear scientific concepts. |
5 |
For National Talent Search Examination (A national level scholarship program for std 10th students). |
6 |
N. Wadia College, Pune |
For Maharashtra Talent Search Examination for students of class VII to X of Maharashtra State for scholarships and prizes. |
7 |
Maharashtra Ganit Adhyapak Mandal |
For conduction of Maharashtra Ganit Prabhutva exam to check knowledge of aspirants towards Mathematics. |
8 |
Government of Maharashtra Elementary/Intermediate Drawing Exam |
For students of Std 6th and above for Design , memory drawing , still-life, nature, freehand and Geometry. |
9 | Dheya's Career | For Career Guidance Program -National and Psychometric Analysis of students. |
10 | SAMI Infotech | For conducting short-term skill development courses for students and teachers. |
11 | Pratham Infotech Foundation | For conducting IBM Skillsbuild Skills-Based Training for students and teachers. |