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Conventional Library
JSPM's has one of the finest Library infrastructure facility known as the Knowledge Centre (KC). Student library books.
Digital Library
Library have separate digital library with 10 computers. It is fully air-conditioned with internet connectivity.
Library Rules and Regulations
1. Entire Library is primarily intended for the students & the staff of this school.
2.Everyone present in the Library is required to maintain STLENCE.
3. Students are not allowed to sit in the library during their regular class.
4. Library books will be available in the allocated period through the librarian or the concerned teacher.
5. Books will be issued to the child & teacher only after it is entered in the issue register.
6. The book will be issued for not more than one week's time.
7. Audio & Video cassettes will be available for the students & teachers.
8. Damage or loss of the books is to be made good by the offender.
9. If the student fails to return the book in the assigned period he/she will be liable for a fine of Rs.10/- per day.
10.Current Issue of Journals, Magazines will not be issued to the students.
Library Timing
Library Timing: 08:00am to 03:30pm