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8446052008 | 7722045476Jayawant Public school Hadapsar organised a felicitation ceremony on 28/6/2023 to acknowledge and applaud the achievements of the students who excelled in academics and brought laurels to school in the Class 12th.Shubham Gokul Nale, the overall topper with 95.47%. marks was awarded a trophy and a certificate of excellence.
Shubham Gokul Nale stood first in Cbse Academics with 95.47%.Also we are proud to , Announce that Shubham Gokule Nale Cracked the NEET exams with Score of 601/720 Marks. Really we are Proud of this student who got another feather in his Cap. JEE MAINS He Scored with 93% TILE .Shubham All India Rank is 28481 and State Rank NEET 12446.shubham gives all credit to his teachers who taught him from Nursery to std XIl of Jaywant public School. He studied daily for 7-8 hours besides his classes. So all his hard work and efforts taken by Shubham and his parents brought him this success'